Congenital Cardiac Surgery Curriculum

6 Recording progress in the ISCP learning portfolio

This curriculum is available through the JCST’s Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP) training management system at Trainees and all involved with training must register with the ISCP and use the curriculum as the basis of their discussion and to record assessments and appraisals. Both trainers and trainees are expected to have a good knowledge of the curriculum and should use it as a guide for their training programme. Each trainee must maintain their learning portfolio by developing learning objectives, undergoing assessments, recording training experiences and reflecting on their learning and feedback.

The ISCP learning portfolio can be used to build a training record of trainee conduct and practice as follows:

  • Trainees can initiate the learning agreement and WBAs directly with supervisors. They can record logbook procedures and other evidence using a variety of forms. They can also link WBAs with critical conditions and index procedures.
  • TPDs can validate trainees in their placements, monitor training and manage the ARCP.
  • Deanery/HEE Local Office administrators can support the TPD, JCST trainee enrolment and ARCP process.
  • AESs can complete trainee appraisal through the learning agreement, monitor trainee portfolios and provide end of placement AES reports.
  • CSs can complete the MCR at the mid-point and end of each placement.
  • Assessors can record feedback and validate WBAs.
  • Other people involved in training can access trainee portfolios according to their role and function.