We are very grateful to Mr Jon Lund for his help with creating these animated guides.
This video illustrates how you can find the trainees you manage in different ISCP roles and how you can navigate to different areas of their training records.
This video illustrates how you can filter evidence when viewing a trainee’s portfolio and how as Assigned Educational Supervisor you can award topic outcomes.
This video illustrates how you can assign one or more trainees to other Training Programme Directors.
This video illustrates how you can set up a Global Objective template that you can use as often as you like.
This video illustrates how you can set a Global Objective for one trainee or overwrite a template.
This video illustrates how you can add key information about a training placement and identify your Assigned Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor(s).
This video illustrates how you can view all your placements, add them, make changes to them and delete them.
This video illustrates how to create a Learning Agreement - the next step after creating a placement.
This video illustrates the key areas that you need to complete in any WBA.
This video illustrates how to complete the first Learning Agreement meeting with your Assigned Educational Supervisor.