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Welcome to the ISCP website. This holds the curriculum for specialty training in all nine surgical specialties. The curriculum was implemented in August 2007. As a new user you may wish to go to the select the HELP link in the top menu once you have logged in. There you will find documents that can be printed out, which guide you through the web site. Navigation through the site is via the bar on the top of the page – you will be able to access the:

  • nine specialty syllabuses and easily switch between the stages of training within in a speciality or switch between specialties. The syllabus can also be accessed directly from the home page;
  • details regarding teaching and learning
  • assessment systems and downloadable versions of all the workplace based assessment forms together with guidance notes for trainers and trainees; and
  • the training system

Wherever you see a [HELP] button you will be able to obtain further information about the particular item or section.

You will notice that some parts of the site can only be accessed once you have registered. An innovative feature of the site is that, once you have registered and are attached to a training programme as a trainee or consultant, you will be able to use the website interactively. This will enable you to create an online portfolio which links directly to the syllabus, assessment forms and logbook.

As always, feedback from our users is of the utmost importance. We would therefore encourage you to let us know any comments or suggestions you may have, which can either be sent to, or alternatively you could call on 020 7869 6299.